Vijay Deverakonda and Mrunal Thakur are set to captivate audiences with their upcoming romantic action drama, ‘Family Star,’ one of the most highly anticipated films in Tollywood. The official release date has been unveiled by Vijay, who shared a new poster from the movie, featuring him in a casual dhoti (lungi) and t-shirt, running with a card in his mouth and a sack on his shoulder. The film, directed by Parasuram, is slated to hit theaters on April 5, 2024.
In his announcement on social media, Vijay Deverakonda expressed excitement about the film’s release, stating, “Arriving April 05, 2024. #FamilyStar.” The post has sparked a flurry of predictions and enthusiasm in the comment section, with fans speculating that the movie may surpass the records set by ‘Geetha Govindam.’ Some even noted Vijay’s relatable appearance, likening him to a common man in a rush to buy groceries.
The on-screen chemistry between Mrunal Thakur and Vijay Deverakonda is eagerly anticipated by fans, adding to the buzz surrounding the project. The actor’s choice to collaborate with Shahid Kapoor in a chill film where they can dance together was revealed by Mrunal Thakur in a recent interview.
On their respective work fronts, Mrunal was last seen in ‘Hi Nanna’ alongside Nani, while Vijay shared the screen with Samantha Ruth Prabhu in ‘Kushi.’ As the release date approaches, the anticipation among fans continues to build for the release of ‘Family Star’ on the big screen.