Celebrity power couple Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma turned heads during their recent family outing in New York City. The duo, known for balancing their high-profile careers and family life, were spotted with their daughter, Vamika, enjoying a leisurely day in the bustling metropolis. This rare public appearance comes as the couple takes a break before Kohli’s upcoming work commitments.
The couple was seen twinning in denim attire as they strolled through what appeared to be a hotel lobby, with Vamika sweetly holding onto their hands. Fans quickly took notice of this heartwarming moment, with one commenting, “Virat Kohli along with Anushka and Vamika gotta be the best thing I saw today,” highlighting the public’s affection for the family.
Despite the attention, many fans expressed concerns over their privacy. Comments urging respect for their personal space flooded in, such as, “Please don’t disturb their privacy they are humans,” and “Why are you recording and sharing things like this? Respect their privacy.”
Anushka and Virat, who are currently enjoying some quality time together in New York ahead of the T20 World Cup, have always been vocal about their desire to keep their children out of the public eye. Notably absent from this outing was their son, Akaay, who has also been shielded from public view.
In another clip circulating on social media, the couple was seen with their bodyguards, taking a stroll on the sidewalk. The footage further showcased their relaxed demeanor as they relished their time away from the spotlight.
Recently, Virat and Anushka took a significant step to ensure their children’s privacy by sending a goodie bag to paparazzi, politely requesting them to refrain from sharing unauthorized photos of Vamika and Akaay. This gesture underscores their commitment to protecting their family’s private moments amidst their public lives.