In a recent revelation, former Bollywood power couple Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor’s past love story has resurfaced, shedding light on some intriguing details. The actress, during an episode of the popular talk show “Koffee With Karan,” candidly shared that she took the initiative in initiating a romantic relationship with Shahid Kapoor. Surprisingly, Kareena also disclosed that she made a significant lifestyle change by adopting a vegetarian diet for the sake of love.
The revelation unfolded as Kareena recounted the early days of their relationship, highlighting her persistent efforts over two months to capture Shahid’s attention. Initially, Shahid seemed uninterested, prompting Kareena to take matters into her own hands by initiating text exchanges and inviting him out.
In a subsequent episode of the same talk show, host Karan Johar unveiled additional details about Kareena’s transformed lifestyle during her relationship with Shahid. The actress not only embraced vegetarianism but also embarked on a weight gain journey, emphasizing her commitment to maintaining a healthy vegetarian lifestyle. Johar also revealed that Kareena exhibited a heightened sense of spirituality during this period.
The former couple, who openly expressed their affection for each other in 2004, experienced a whirlwind romance that captivated fans. However, in 2007, they parted ways without divulging the specific reasons for their breakup. Speculation suggests that Kareena’s mother and sister had reservations about her intense relationship with Shahid Kapoor, ultimately leading to the end of their love story.