In a recent development, Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan, who graced the prestigious pre-wedding festival of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, took center stage on March 4, unveiling the captivating trailer for her upcoming film, “Ae Watan Mere Watan.” Directed by Kannan Iyer, the movie is scheduled for an exclusive release on a popular OTT platform on March 21, 2024.
Sara Ali Khan, known for her candid revelations, shared insights during an old interview. When queried about her mother Amrita Singh’s response to her past breakups, Sara disclosed that her mother’s comforting words were a simple, “It’s okay.” The actress, who was romantically linked to co-star Kartik Aaryan during the filming of “Love Aaj Kal,” neither confirmed nor denied the rumors. Filmmaker Karan Johar, however, acknowledged their alleged breakup in a previous interview. Additionally, speculations of Sara’s involvement with cricketer Shubman Gill circulated, although neither party confirmed the relationship.
Discussing her father Saif Ali Khan’s reaction to her performance in the 2020 film “Love Aaj Kal,” Sara candidly revealed his dissatisfaction. She stated, “He wasn’t happy. He didn’t like the performance. He said it wasn’t good.” The film, directed by Imtiaz Ali, marked Sara’s collaboration with Kartik Aaryan. Earlier, the original “Love Aaj Kal” released in 2009, featuring Deepika Padukone alongside Saif Ali Khan.
In a separate interview on The Ranveer Show, Sara acknowledged her perceived shortcomings in “Love Aaj Kal” and “Coolie.” She admitted to the disparity between audience expectations, fueled by the success of her earlier films like “Kedarnath” and “Simmba.”
The focal point of Sara’s recent endeavors is her upcoming film, “Ae Watan Mere Watan,” co-starring Emraan Hashmi. Directed by Kannan Iyer, the movie promises to explore themes of patriotism and national identity, ensuring an engaging cinematic experience for audiences.