The acclaimed film “12th Fail,” directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra and featuring Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankar, has been gaining widespread popularity on the OTT platform. Inspired by the true story of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma, as chronicled in Anurag Pathak’s bestselling book, the movie has captivated audiences with its heartwarming narrative.
As viewers delve into the real-life account of Manoj Kumar Sharma, questions arise about the character Pritam in the film and its connection to Sharma’s actual experiences. While much has been discussed about the portrayals of Manoj and Shraddha in the movie, it’s essential to acknowledge the crucial role played by another character—Pritam Pandey, portrayed by Anant Joshi.
In a recent interview with Lallantop, IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma shared insights into his relationship with Anurag Pathak, the author of the novel based on his life. Sharma praised Pathak as a true friend, highlighting instances of unwavering support during challenging moments. Sharma’s depiction of Pathak’s significance closely aligns with the role of Pritam Pandey in the film.
During the conversation, Sharma expressed his admiration for Anurag, describing him as a friend who provided unparalleled support throughout his journey. Sharma emphasized Anurag’s pivotal role in his pursuit of becoming an IPS officer. Reflecting on their shared past in Delhi, he humorously recounted anecdotes of Anurag’s generosity, even going so far as to lend him money from his own wallet despite receiving funds from home. The camaraderie between Sharma and Pathak, akin to the bond between Manoj and Pritam in the film, adds an extra layer of depth to the inspiring narrative behind “12th Fail.”