In a recent development, actor Darshan finds himself entangled in a fresh controversy as members of the women’s organization, Gowdatiyara Sene, have officially filed a complaint with the Women’s Commission. The complaint alleges that Darshan used derogatory language against women during a recent speech in Srirangapatna.
The objectionable remark, “Ivathu ivalu irthale, naale avalu barthale” (loosely translated to ‘today, it’s her, tomorrow it’s another), was reportedly made in response to an online dispute between Darshan’s wife, Vijaylakshmi, and his rumored girlfriend, Pavithra Gowda.
Renuka, the state president of Gowdatiyara Sene, expressed her concerns, stating, “Darshan should learn to respect women and practice what he preaches on screen. He needs to explain why he used such words publicly and issue an apology to women. Despite a past incident involving a comment about ‘Adrushta Devathe,’ the actor has not acknowledged or apologized for it. After waiting for three days, we have decided to approach the Women’s Commission. If he fails to comply, we will stage a protest in front of his house.”
The submitted complaint to the Women’s Commission emphasizes Darshan’s influence as a role model for young individuals. It states, “He is a role model for several youngsters. Thousands of people were present at the event when he made such insulting comments. Darshan should apologize and explain about what kind of messages he wants to send out to the youth.”
The complaint, endorsed by 13 members of the organization, is addressed to the Women’s Commission chief. As of now, Darshan has not commented on the ongoing controversy.