In a revelation back in July, director Chimbu Deven had excitedly announced a unique film collaboration with Yogi Babu, entirely set in the sea. Latest updates reveal that the film is set to be a gripping survival thriller, unfolding against the backdrop of 1940s Chennai during the Japanese bombings.
Detailing the plot, the director shared, “As the Japanese bombings intensify, a group of ten individuals seeks refuge at sea on a small boat. However, the unexpected happens—the boat comes to a halt in the open waters, develops a leak, and begins to sink slowly. Adding to the suspense, a menacing shark lurks in the vicinity. The crux of the story revolves around the desperate attempts of the people on the boat to escape their perilous predicament.”
Selecting the shoot location proved to be an extensive process, taking four to five months to factor in variations in waves, tides, and depth. Ultimately, Kulasekhara Patnam near Tuticorin was chosen. However, filming in the middle of the sea presented unforeseen challenges, leading to a seven-day shoot cancellation.
Ensuring safety during the daring shoot, the crew enlisted the help of local fishermen. Director Chimbu Deven recounted an incident where Yogi Babu slipped and fell into the sea, showcasing unexpected swimming skills. This incident inspired the director to opt for realistic shots in the film.