Hollywood heartthrob Zac Efron was bestowed with a star on the prestigious Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday, where he took a heartfelt moment to pay tribute to the late Matthew Perry, renowned for his role in the iconic TV series ‘Friends.’ Perry, who passed away in October at the age of 54, had shared the screen with Efron in the film ’17 Again.’
During his acceptance speech, Efron expressed his admiration for Perry, describing him as “so kind and generous.” The ‘High School Musical’ star reminisced about the joy of collaborating with Perry and director Burr Steers, emphasizing the positive impact it had on his career. Efron expressed gratitude to Perry for propelling him into the next chapter of his professional journey, stating, “Thank you so much, Matthew. Thinking about you a lot today.”
The tribute comes amid recent emotional farewells to Perry from his ‘Friends’ co-stars. Jennifer Aniston, who played Rachel Green on the beloved sitcom, penned a touching tribute to Perry, describing the profound loss. Aniston shared insights into Perry’s passion for making people laugh, recalling his belief that hearing laughter was essential for his well-being. She highlighted the lasting impact Perry had on their close-knit “chosen family,” emphasizing the deep love and laughter he brought to their lives.
In her reflection on the past weeks, Aniston shared that she has revisited text messages exchanged with Perry, alternating between laughter and tears. The article quotes Aniston’s poignant recollection of a text message from Perry that she believes “says it all.”
The Hollywood community continues to mourn the loss of Matthew Perry, celebrating his legacy through heartfelt tributes and cherished memories.