The bustling city of Chennai came to a standstill on Monday, December 4, as Cyclone Michuang wreaked havoc, causing torrential rains and flooding that left numerous residents stranded in their homes. Among those affected is Kollywood actor Vishnu Vishal, who found himself in distress as water inundated his residence in Karapakkam.
Sharing the alarming situation from his flooded home, Vishnu Vishal took to social media, posting pictures from his terrace. He wrote, “Water is entering my house, and the level is rising badly in Karapakkam. I have called for help. No electricity, no wifi, no phone signal. Only on the terrace at a particular point do I get some signal. Let’s hope I and so many others here get some help. I can feel for people all over Chennai. #staystrong.”
The severe waterlogging across the city has crippled normal life, with many low-lying areas experiencing water ingress into homes and streets. The situation has prompted several Kollywood actors to leverage social media platforms to reach out to the public and offer assistance.
As Chennai grapples with the aftermath of Cyclone Michuang, residents are facing challenges such as power outages, disrupted communication channels, and limited access to essential services. The resilient spirit of the people is evident as they come together to weather the storm, both literally and figuratively.
Efforts are underway to provide aid and support to those affected, with hopes that the situation will improve soon. The city remains on high alert as authorities work tirelessly to manage the aftermath of Cyclone Michuang and restore normalcy to the lives of its residents.