Dushara Vijayan, a prominent actress in the South Indian film industry known for her choice of challenging roles, recently made a notable impact with her performance in ‘Raayan,’ where she starred alongside Dhanush. Following the success of ‘Raayan,’ Vijayan has shifted her attention to ‘Vettaiyan,’ a social drama featuring Rajinikanth in the lead role. She has now completed dubbing her portions for the film and is eager to captivate audiences through TJ Gnanavel’s directorial.
Vijayan had earlier assured that her role in ‘Vettaiyan’ would be substantial, and she is determined to make a significant impression. Fahadh Faasil and Abhirami, who also play key roles in the film, have already completed their dubbing, and Vijayan has now joined them in the post-production process. Although the film was initially slated for an October release, it may be postponed to November due to a crowded October release schedule, which could affect its chances of a grand solo debut.
In addition to ‘Vettaiyan,’ Vijayan is set to play the female lead opposite Chiyaan Vikram in ‘Veera Dheera Sooran.’ Her role in this film is also substantial, and an exclusive still from the movie has showcased her in a romantic scene with Vikram.