Vijay Milton’s directorial ‘Mazhai Pidikkatha Manithan,’ featuring Vijay Antony in the lead role, was released in theatres on August 2. Despite clashing with six other new Tamil releases, the emotional thriller managed to secure a decent number of screens. However, Vijay Milton was taken aback when he watched ‘Mazhai Pidikkatha Manithan’ on the big screen and discovered an extra minute in the introduction scene. The added minute to the censored version of the film, which he was unaware of, surprised him and he expressed his concern through a social media video. This extra minute, which contained a spoiler, has since been removed from the film, and Vijay Milton has expressed his gratitude to the press and media for their support.
Sarathkumar, who played a significant role in the film, shared Vijay Milton’s latest video on his social media handle. He expressed his happiness that the director and producer were able to find a smooth solution to the issue. Vijay Milton is pleased with the positive response ‘Mazhai Pidikkatha Manithan’ has received, feeling gratified that his hard work has paid off. The film is garnering better reviews from audiences, leading to added shows and screens from day two.
‘Mazhai Pidikkatha Manithan’ stars Vijay Antony, Sarathkumar, Sathyaraj, Saranya Ponvannan, and Megha Akash in the main roles, with music composed by Achu Rajamani.