Bollywood actress Ananya Panday and actor Aditya Roy Kapur have long been the subjects of dating rumors. While the duo has never officially confirmed their relationship, they have often been spotted together on vacations, travels, and at various parties. However, Ananya’s recent enigmatic social media post has ignited speculations of a possible split between the two, with many Reddit users joining the discussion.
In a cryptic message shared by the actress, the post read, “If it is truly meant for you, it will come it will leave only for the back to your sake of teaching you the lessons you could only learn for you, On your own. If it is truly meant if you’ve pushed it in denial, even if you you’re in denial, so beautiful could never be it will return even away, even if you’re assume something truly yours – because if it’s truly meant for you, it is never not a piece of you. It is never not intricately tied into the depths of your soul.” Ananya captioned the note as “Monday Manifesting,” accompanied by a thank-you note, an evil eye, and a blue butterfly emoji.
This ambiguous post has left fans questioning the status of their relationship, especially after it was shared on Reddit. Previously, during his appearance on ‘Koffee With Karan’ last year, Aditya was asked about Ananya by host Karan Johar. Aditya had described her as ‘pure joy’ and ‘bliss’, while Ananya maintained that they are just good friends. Interestingly, during the show, Ananya referred to herself as ‘Ananya Coy Kapur’, to which Aditya humorously responded, “And I am Aditya Joy Kapur as of now.” When Karan speculated about their relationship status, Aditya confirmed, “Yes, I’m quite joyous.”
On the professional front, Ananya was last seen in the OTT release ‘Kho Gaye Hum Kahan’.