In a dazzling pre-wedding celebration hosted by the Ambanis, the crème de la crème of Bollywood congregated to commemorate the imminent union of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. A standout moment of the evening was Shah Rukh Khan, the Bollywood maestro, seizing the limelight with his energetic rendition of ‘Jhoome Jo Pathaan’ from the blockbuster film ‘Pathaan.’
Shah Rukh Khan’s captivating stage presence and electrifying charisma left the audience in awe, receiving resounding applause. The opulence of the Ambani soirée was taken to new heights by SRK’s unparalleled performance, igniting the festivities.
Adding a heartwarming touch to the affair was a rare sight of Aryan Khan, renowned for his composed demeanor, breaking into a smile and admiring his father during the enthralling performance. The captured moment on video resonated with fans, revealing a softer side of Aryan as he affectionately observed his father’s captivating act.
For the grand occasion, Shah Rukh Khan graced the event in an off-white sherwani embellished with golden borders, paired with a patiala pant and black shoes. His wife, Gauri Khan, radiated in a blue-hued, heavily adorned gharara, accentuated by gold jhumkas. The power couple added an extra layer of glamour to the festivities with their stunning ensembles.