In the much-anticipated sequel to the 2018 hit film ‘Raid’, Ajay Devgn is set to reprise his role as income tax officer Amar Patnaik. Teaming up once again with actor Ashish Gokhale, who plays a police officer, Devgn’s ‘Raid 2’ promises to deliver a fresh and engaging storyline inspired by real events.
In a recent interview with News18, Ashish Gokhale revealed tantalizing details about the sequel, emphasizing its departure from the original while maintaining the essence of the ‘Raid’ narrative. Gokhale shared that ‘Raid 2’ has already completed around 75% of its filming, with the production aiming to wrap up by the end of May.
This isn’t the first collaboration between Gokhale and Devgn, as the duo previously worked together on ‘Bholaa’ and the recently released ‘Shaitaan’. Speaking fondly of Devgn, Gokhale praised the actor’s humility and kindness, highlighting their strong working relationship.
Directed by Raj Kumar Gupta, ‘Raid’ garnered widespread acclaim upon its release, with Devgn’s stellar performance as Patnaik earning praise from audiences and critics alike. With its sequel slated for release on November 15, 2024, fans can expect another thrilling installment in the ‘Raid’ franchise.