In an exciting development for Bollywood fans, it has been announced that actors Sunny Deol and Ayushmann Khurrana are set to join forces for the much-anticipated film ‘Border 2.’ Scheduled to begin shooting in October this year, the project has been in the works for some time, with the team diligently preparing to do justice to the legacy of its predecessor, the iconic 1997 film ‘Border.’
Set against the backdrop of the 1971 Indo-Pak war, ‘Border 2’ aims to capture the essence of the original while introducing new narratives inspired by historical events. Directed by Anurag Singh and produced by JP Dutta, Nidhi Dutta, and Bhushan Kumar, the film holds great promise for audiences eager to revisit the gripping tale of valor and patriotism.
Although an official release date is yet to be announced, speculations suggest that ‘Border 2’ might hit screens during the Republic Day weekend of 2026, adding to the excitement surrounding the project.
While Sunny Deol is currently immersed in the filming of ‘Baap’ and ‘Lahore 1947,’ Ayushmann Khurrana continues to charm audiences with his stellar performances. Fresh off the success of ‘Dream Girl 2,’ Ayushmann’s involvement in ‘Border 2’ and the upcoming film ‘Inverse’ has further heightened anticipation among fans and industry insiders alike.