Bollywood power couple Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover have been on cloud nine since embracing parenthood. Regularly treating their fans to glimpses of their adorable daughter Devi, the doting parents recently shared highlights from Devi’s attendance at the first birthday party of Dua, the daughter of Ayaz Khan and Jannat Khan.
Taking to her Instagram stories, Bipasha delighted followers with a series of videos and pictures capturing Devi’s joyous moments alongside her little friend Dua. The snapshots showcase the two munchkins enjoying the celebration, highlighting the precious bond between the young duo.
In a separate Instagram post, Bipasha commemorated Devi’s 13-month milestone with an endearing video. Dressed in a charming baby pink princess umbrella frock and sporting a cute flower hair tie, Devi’s playful antics near the window melted hearts. Bipasha captioned the video, “And she turns 13 months old today. With her, time just flies. My Mishti Devi.” The post received an outpouring of love from fans enchanted by Devi’s adorable antics.