Producer Boney Kapoor recently commended Bollywood superstars Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Aamir Khan for their enduring stardom in the industry. He also showered praise on Ajay Devgn, highlighting the actor’s exceptional versatility and his ability to adeptly tackle a variety of roles. Speaking to PTI, Kapoor expressed deep admiration for Devgn’s talent, emphasizing his capacity to convincingly portray any character.
“No superstar guarantees a box office success. The superstar can only assure a sense of potential business a film could have. The rest depends on how the film is crafted. So, it essentially comes down to the content. The bigger the star, the lower the risk. There are several other revenue streams apart from theatrical releases, such as OTT platforms, satellite rights, and audio. These are avenues that aren’t reliant on box office performance. Ajay Devgn is one of the finest actors we have. He will be the one man who will continue to be a big star even in his ’80s, much like Amitabh Bachchan. We also have Anil Kapoor who has that kind of longevity,” Kapoor said.
He further added, “(But) Ajay stands out… He has done all types of films. He can mould himself to any character, which means he can walk with laurels at any party because he gives his all.”
Boney Kapoor is currently gearing up for the much-anticipated release of his period sports drama ‘Maidaan’, which features Ajay Devgn in the lead role. Alongside Devgn, the film also stars Priyamani, Gajraj Rao, and Rudranil Ghosh in pivotal roles. ‘Maidaan’ is set to hit theaters on April 10.
Directed by Amit Ravindranath Sharma, ‘Maidaan’ delves into the golden era of Indian football and portrays the inspiring true story of Syed Abdul Rahim. Rahim, who served as the coach and manager of the Indian football team from 1950 until his passing in 1963, left an indelible mark on the world of sports.