Filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari has commenced the shooting of his highly-anticipated project, ‘Ramayana’, which features an all-star cast. Ranbir Kapoor is set to portray the role of Lord Ram, Sai Pallavi will play Sita, Sunny Deol is cast as Hanuman, and Yash will be seen as Ravana. According to a report by Pinkvilla, Tiwari and producer Namit Malhotra have roped in Oscar-winning composers Hans Zimmer and AR Rahman for the film’s music. Zimmer, known for his exceptional work in movies like ‘The Lion King’ and ‘Interstellar’, will collaborate with AR Rahman to create the film’s score, heightening the excitement and anticipation surrounding the project.
The decision to include Hans Zimmer in ‘Ramayana’ aligns with the filmmakers’ global vision for the epic tale. Sources indicate that both Malhotra and Tiwari had always envisioned Zimmer as a part of the project. It’s reported that Zimmer is captivated by the narrative of Lord Ram and is fully prepared to compose the film’s score. Meanwhile, AR Rahman is confirmed to have composed the music for ‘Ramayana’.
The first installment of the ‘Ramayana’ trilogy is currently under production and is touted as the most expensive project in Indian cinema. The principal cast, including Ranbir Kapoor, Sai Pallavi, Sunny Deol, and Yash, is expected to begin filming their respective roles soon. Industry insiders speculate that the film might be released around Diwali in 2025. Recently, leaked footage from the film’s set has surfaced online, further fueling fans’ curiosity.
In addition to the main cast, Sheeba Chaddha and Lara Dutta have also joined the ensemble. Lara Dutta is set to portray the character of Lord Ram’s stepmother, Kaikeyi, while Sheeba Chaddha will take on the role of Manthara. In the classic tale, Manthara persuades Kaikeyi that the throne of Ayodhya rightfully belongs to her son, Bharat, which ultimately leads to Ram’s exile from the kingdom. The inclusion of these talented actresses promises to add depth to the narrative and ensures intriguing performances in this retelling of the timeless epic, ‘Ramayana’.