Ashika Ranganath, the stunning actress, is celebrating her birthday today, August 5, receiving heartfelt wishes from fans and friends. On this special day, the makers of ‘Sardar 2’ have officially announced her inclusion in the spy thriller. In a social media post, the team behind ‘Sardar 2’ extended birthday wishes to Ranganath and welcomed her to the cast, captioning, “Birthday wishes to @AshikaRanganath. We are pleased to welcome her onboard for #Sardar2.”
Ranganath, who made her Tamil debut with ‘Pattathu Arasan’ opposite Atharvaa, is also set to appear in the upcoming Tamil film ‘Miss You.’ ‘Sardar 2’ marks her third Tamil film. With her impressive roles in Telugu cinema and striking off-screen presence, Ranganath is expected to secure more opportunities in Tamil cinema.
The film features Karthi in the lead role and reunites him with director Ps Mithran following the success of the 2022 prequel. Despite a recent setback during the shoot, where stuntman Ezhumalai tragically lost his life due to a stunt scene gone wrong, the production of ‘Sardar 2’ continues to progress. Malavika Mohanan has also joined the cast, preceding Ashika Ranganath.