In a tragic turn of events, actor Daya Shankar Pandey expressed profound grief over the sudden demise of his close friend, Rituraj Singh, who passed away on the night of February 19 due to a cardiac arrest. Currently situated in Jamshedpur, Pandey conveyed his shock and revealed his intention to meet Singh’s family upon his return to Mumbai in the next 4-5 days.
Reflecting on their enduring friendship spanning 25 years, Pandey fondly remembered Singh as a wonderful human being and an exceptional actor. Despite being primarily recognized in the industry as Shah Rukh Khan’s dear friend, Pandey emphasized Singh’s genuine kindness and talent, stating that he truly deserved more recognition.
Pandey reminisced, “Despite the banter and leg-pulling we engaged in, he remained positive and optimistic. I always believed he deserved more in the industry. He was not just a talented actor but also a good human being. It’s challenging to find such individuals nowadays. He will be remembered as one of the good ones.”
Sharing the origin of their friendship, Panday revealed, “We met through our mutual friend in the industry, Ravi Baswani, back in 1989 at the veteran actors’ house. Since then, our bond grew stronger. May God grant him peace.”
Rituraj Singh and Daya Shankar Pandey had collaborated in the Bollywood film ‘Satyamev Jayate 2’ and shared the screen in notable TV serials. The untimely demise of Singh leaves a void in the industry, with Pandey expressing regret that his friend did not receive the recognition he deserved. Despite Singh’s satisfaction with his achievements, Pandey wished he had received more acknowledgment for his contributions to the world of entertainment.