In a remarkable achievement, the Malayalam film ‘Manjummel Boys’ has surpassed the ₹100 crore mark at the box office, earning widespread acclaim both in its home state of Kerala and in Tamil Nadu. Directed by Chidamambaran, this suspense thriller, based on a real-life incident from 2006, hit theaters on February 22.
Expressing gratitude on Twitter, director Chidamabram acknowledged the overwhelming support from the audience, especially thanking the Tamil viewers. His tweet read, “#ManjummelBoys 100 cr Surprise Unconditional Love Thanks all audience support but special thanks to Tamil audience.”
Setting a significant milestone, ‘Manjummel Boys’ stands out as the first Malayalam film to boast over 1200 screenings in a single day across theaters in India. The film’s cast and crew earned praise, with a notable encounter with actor Kamal Haasan in Chennai a few days ago. The storyline revolves around a group of boys on a tour to Kodaikanal, with the narrative centering on one of them falling into the depths of Guna caves. The film explores his survival journey through the cave, aided by the collective efforts of his friends.
Drawing parallels with the success of ‘Premam,’ ‘Manjummel Boys’ has garnered a positive response from the Tamil audience. Fans, deeply impressed by the film, are now urging theaters for the re-release of Kamal Haasan’s ‘Guna,’ shot entirely in the same locations featured in ‘Manjummel Boys.’