In a recent interview with the New Indian Express, director Ranjith stirred up controversy by openly ridiculing actor Bheeman Raghu, suggesting that the actor is primarily recognized for his physical strength rather than intellect. The remarks stemmed from an incident at the State Film Award function, where Bheeman Raghu stood attentively during the Chief Minister’s speech.
Ranjith expressed disdain for Bheeman Raghu, emphasizing that despite the actor’s muscular physique, he lacked the intellect to command respect. The director highlighted a moment during the ceremony when the Chief Minister did not acknowledge Bheeman Raghu, despite his prolonged attention.
Sarcastically, Ranjith remarked that the Chief Minister didn’t even look in the direction where Bheeman Raghu stood for hours during the speech. The director claimed that the Chief Minister had even asked the actor to sit, but he did not heed the advice. Ranjith further stated that, despite his muscular physique, Bheeman Raghu lacked wit, and he and others had mocked him for years.
In response to Ranjith’s comments, actor Hareesh Peradi criticized both Ranjith and Bheeman Raghu through a sarcastic Facebook post.
The candid opinions of director Ranjith have sparked a debate on social media, with many expressing varied opinions on his portrayal of Bheeman Raghu’s public image. Some audiences are criticizing Ranjith for bringing shame to the actor through the media. The controversy continues to unfold as discussions on social media intensify.