Director Venkat Prabhu responded graciously to criticism on Twitter regarding his upcoming film with Vijay, titled ‘The Greatest of All Time’ (GOAT). The critical tweet, posted by Sathyan Ramasamy, questioned Vijay’s recent career choices and suggested that GOAT might be a Hollywood remake, drawing parallels to Will Smith’s ‘Gemini Man.’
In the tweet, Sathyan Ramasamy expressed skepticism about Vijay’s potential comeback in 2024 and advised Venkat Prabhu against Hollywood remakes, suggesting a preference for good Telugu film remakes. He also cautioned against including certain elements in the film that he deemed undesirable.
Venkat Prabhu responded positively and humorously, stating, “Sorry bro!! Innum unga kiterndhu edhirpaakuren (I am still expecting more from you)!! Happy new year!! Spread love.”
The exchange showcased Venkat Prabhu’s resilience in the face of criticism and his ability to maintain a lighthearted approach. Despite the initial negative tone, the director responded with a New Year’s greeting and an optimistic outlook.
‘The Greatest of All Time’ (GOAT), previously referred to as ‘Thalapathy 68,’ boasts an ensemble cast including Prashanth, Prabhudheva, Sneha, Laila, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Mohan, Jayaram, Ajmal Ameer, and Yogi Babu. The film’s potential connection to Hollywood’s ‘Gemini Man’ has sparked curiosity among fans, adding an extra layer of anticipation for its release.
Venkat Prabhu’s response to criticism highlights his unwavering focus on delivering an engaging cinematic experience with GOAT, solidifying his reputation as a director adept at navigating challenges and expectations in the world of cinema.