In the latest box office update, Ravi Teja’s recent venture, ‘Eagle’, continues to enjoy a favorable reception among audiences. On its 9th day since hitting the screens, the film has amassed an estimated 0.52 crore, contributing to a cumulative total of 22.74 crores in India and 28.55 crores worldwide across all languages, as reported by Sacnilk.
Despite garnering acclaim from Ravi Teja’s fan base, the film experienced a decline in daily collections after the first week, struggling to achieve the one crore mark in a single day. Released on February 9th, ‘Eagle’ is directed by Karthik Gattamneni and features a star-studded cast including Anupama Parameshwaran, Kavya Thapar, Navdeep, Vinay Rai, and Madhoo. The narrative revolves around an assassin and a journalist uncovering hidden truths.
Sources indicate that ‘Eagle’ maintained an 18.10% occupancy rate in Telugu cinemas on its second Saturday, with particular popularity observed in Hyderabad owing to Ravi Teja’s strong regional fan following.
Adding to the buzz surrounding the film, there are hints of a sequel, ‘Eagle 2: Yuddha Kaanda’. As the days progress, the filmmakers are optimistic about a positive surge in box office collections, with Ravi Teja even hosting a success celebration for ‘Eagle’ on the set of ‘Mr. Bachchan’.