In a highly anticipated release, director Punith Nagaraj’s latest suspense thriller “Hide and Seek” promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its intricate plot and unexpected twists. The film, centered around a crime group embarking on a kidnapping spree, presents a challenging case for law enforcement with its meticulous planning. The pivotal moment comes when the daughter of a wealthy family, portrayed by Dhanya Ramkumar, becomes the group’s latest target.
According to Punith, “Hide and Seek” offers a blend of commercial elements that cater to audience preferences while challenging perceptions about content-driven cinema in Sandalwood.
The film features a stellar cast including Anoop Revanna and Dhanya Ramkumar and has been produced by Suneri Art Creations. With its release today, anticipation is high for “Hide and Seek” to captivate audiences with its thrilling narrative and engaging performances.