In a much-anticipated reveal, the first look poster for the upcoming film ‘Mandakini’ has been unveiled, sparking excitement among cinephiles. The poster, unveiled by actress Anaswara Rajan, captures a pivotal moment from the movie, showcasing the wedding feast of characters portrayed by Althaf Salim and Anarkali Marikkar. The imagery hints at a delightful narrative, with Salim’s character seen whispering to Marikkar’s, evoking a charming smile. Directed and written by Vinod Leela, ‘Mandakini’ promises to be a captivating cinematic experience, exploring relationships and human emotions through romance, drama, and intrigue. Alongside Salim and Marikkar, the film boasts a talented cast including Ganapathi, Saritha Kukku, Vineeth Thattil, Akhila Nath, Babitha Basheer, and more. Anaswara Rajan shared the poster on social media, extending best wishes to the entire team behind the film.