Renowned fashion designer Naveen Kumar, known for his work with Sandalwood stars in the Kannada cinema industry, has made a significant mark with his participation in 132 top fashion shows across 18 states. Kumar stands out among Indian designers for his specialization in feather wings and hand-worked sequin costumes.
In a recent statement, Kumar highlighted the strong connection between cinema and mainstream fashion, particularly in Sandalwood movies known for their vibrant color palettes. He emphasized the global influence of these films, noting the increasing adoption of bold and vibrant colors in fashion choices worldwide.
Commenting on the role of Sandalwood stars in shaping fashion trends, Kumar described them as influential figures both on and off-screen. Their participation in fashion events not only amplifies their presence as social media fashion icons but also solidifies their position as representatives of the South Indian fashion industry.
Kumar further emphasized the importance of Sandalwood films and stars in expanding the reach and appeal of fashion events, leveraging their widespread popularity to garner attention and interest.