Renowned actor Suresh Gopi is gearing up for a triumphant return to the entertainment industry in 2024, with a lineup of exciting films. Among the highly anticipated projects is ‘Oru Perumgaliyattam,’ a collaboration with National award-winning filmmaker Jayaraj. Following the success of their previous venture, ‘Kaliyattam,’ which clinched two National awards, expectations are soaring for their upcoming film.
In an exclusive interview with ETimes, Siddharth Anand Kumar, the producer of ‘Oru Perumgaliyattam,’ shared insights into the project. Addressing speculations about the film being a sequel to the duo’s 1997 release ‘Kaliyattam,’ Kumar clarified, “The story of ‘Oru Perumgaliyattam’ is rooted in the art form. However, it’s not a sequel; rather, it stands as a sister installment to ‘Kaliyattam.'”
Kumar revealed that ‘Oru Perumgaliyattam’ pays homage to the iconic film ‘Seven Samurai,’ directed by Akira Kurosawa. He praised Jayaraj for creating a compelling and nuanced film, describing it as beautiful. Suresh Gopi takes on the role of Peruvannan in the film, and his physical transformation for the character has already captured the attention of movie enthusiasts.
Explaining the motivation behind the film, Kumar expressed a belief in the audience’s appetite for more nuanced cinema. He emphasized the value of films where not every aspect is overtly evident, allowing room for interpretation. ‘Oru Perumgaliyattam’ aims to fill that space in the Mollywood industry, offering a cinematic experience that delves into subtleties and complexities.