In a recent cinematic development, actor Saiju Kurup, known for his role in the recently released film ‘A Ranjith Cinema,’ is poised to captivate audiences once again with his upcoming project, ‘Abhilasham.’ Directed by Shamzu Zayba, the film has successfully wrapped up its shoot, marking a significant milestone in its production journey.
Paired alongside Kurup is Tanvi Ram, who takes on the role of Shereen, the protagonist’s childhood friend. In ‘Abhilasham,’ Saiju Kurup embodies the character of Abhilash Kumar, the proprietor of a stylish shop and courier service. Described as a romantic flick, the movie promises to unveil a heartwarming love story set against the picturesque backdrop of the Malabar district, infusing a regional charm into the narrative.
The plot revolves around Abhilash Kumar and his childhood friend, Shereen, portrayed by Tanvi Ram. As filming concludes, eager anticipation mounts among fans who are keen to witness the on-screen chemistry and the unfolding love story set in the enchanting locales of the Malabar district.
Director Shamzu Zayba, recognized for his storytelling finesse in ‘Maniyarayile Ashokan,’ leads the project. The ensemble cast features notable actors including Arjun Ashokan, Binu Pappu, Navas Vallikkunnu, Uma KP, Adv. Jayaprakash R Kulur, and Sheetal Zakaria.
Saiju Kurup’s previous venture was the thriller ‘A Ranjith Cinema,’ where he shared the screen with actor Asif Ali.