Actor Fahadh Faasil recently shared his insights on his latest film “Dhoomam,” acknowledging its shortcomings in execution despite a promising concept. The movie, which generated considerable anticipation due to Fahadh’s involvement, received mixed initial reactions from audiences. While Fahadh’s performance was lauded, the overall film failed to resonate.
During a promotional event for “Aavesham,” Fahadh commented on the problematic subject matter of “Dhoomam,” suggesting that while certain concepts may seem appealing in theory, they don’t always translate effectively on screen. He also hinted that some topics should be avoided in filmmaking, indicating that “Dhoomam” fell into that category.
In “Dhoomam,” Fahadh portrays a corporate executive entangled in a revenge plot related to the products he had been promoting. Despite initial speculation about the film’s focus on smoking dangers, Fahadh clarified that it centered on corporate relationships, particularly between a tobacco company and a life insurance firm.
However, the film struggled to convey its central themes, leading audiences to perceive it primarily as a revenge thriller. Despite featuring a strong cast, including Achyuth Kumar and Aparna Balamurali, “Dhoomam” failed to make a mark in both the Malayalam and Kannada markets.
Despite the disappointment of “Dhoomam,” Fahadh Faasil continues to shine with his latest success, “Aavesham.” Directed by Jithu Madhavan of “Romancham” fame, “Aavesham” has grossed Rs 42 crores in just five days.