Sunny Wayne, Lukman Avaran, and Vinay Forrt are set to grace the big screen with their upcoming Malayalam film ‘Perumani’. The film, written and directed by Maju, who previously delivered the critically acclaimed ‘Appan’ starring Alencier Ley Lopez and Sunny Wayne, has created quite a buzz among movie enthusiasts.
The film’s makers recently unveiled an intriguing poster on the occasion of Vishu, confirming the film’s imminent release. Directed by Maju, ‘Perumani’ also features Deepa Thomas, Navas Vallikkunnu, Vijilesh Karayad, Radhika Radhakrishnan, Franco Francis, and Amal Rajdev in pivotal roles.
The film boasts a talented crew with State Award winner Manesh Madhavan handling the cinematography, known for his work in ‘Ela Veezha Poonchira’. The editing is managed by Joel Kavi, and the music is composed by Gopi Sunder.
In other news, Sunny Wayne recently appeared in the popular Malayalam web series ‘Perilloor Premier League’, co-starring with Nikhila Vimal. The series garnered significant attention from netizens. He also has another film, ‘Written and Directed by God’, in the pipeline.
Meanwhile, Lukman Avaran was last seen in ‘Anchakkallakokkan’, which received rave reviews from the audience.
In related news, Tovino Thomas recently launched Basil Joseph’s next film ‘Marana Mass’, adding to the excitement in the Malayalam film industry.