Renowned supermodel Naomi Campbell added an extra dose of glamor to the extravagant wedding celebrations of billionaire Umar Kamani and model Nada Adelle in the French Riviera. Campbell, alongside other notable celebrities, graced the opulent Hôtel Du Cap-Eden-Roc for the festivities. She shared glimpses of the event on her Instagram, expressing gratitude to the newlyweds with the hashtag “#Mr&MrsKamani.”
Campbell stole the spotlight in two stunning outfits crafted by acclaimed designers. For one segment of the festivities, she donned a shimmering peach custom gown by Nicolas Jebran, radiating elegance and sophistication. However, it was her choice of attire for another occasion that truly captivated onlookers. Draped in a pre-draped lavender saree by the esteemed Manish Malhotra, Campbell exuded grace and charm.
The saree, boasting intricate details and delicate embellishments, featured a pleated front, floor-length hem, and a beaded belt accentuating the waistline. Its see-through pallu showcased exquisite gota work, sequin embellishments, and delicate feather adornments in a harmonious blend of white and lavender hues, creating an ethereal effect with a sweeping train at the back.
Complementing her attire, Campbell opted for a sleeveless bustier blouse adorned with intricate beaded embellishments and sequins, adding allure to the ensemble. Accessorized with diamond jewelry, including a mang tika, bracelets, rings, and dangling earrings, she exuded sophistication and poise.
With her hair styled in a center part with loose tresses and a glamorous makeup look featuring smoky eyeshadow, a caramel lip shade, rosy blush, and a radiant highlighter, Campbell epitomized timeless beauty and elegance.
The bride and groom, Umar Kamani and Nada Adelle, also made a style statement with their matching ivory outfits designed by Manish Malhotra. Umar looked dashing in an ivory sherwani, while Nada stunned in an ivory lehenga, creating a picture-perfect ensemble for their special day.
Campbell’s presence at the wedding festivities not only added a touch of celebrity allure but also showcased her appreciation for exquisite fashion and cultural diversity.