Raveena Tandon’s daughter, Rasha Thadani, is gaining widespread attention for her innate simplicity, drawing comparisons to Sara Ali Khan from Kedarnath. Recently, Raveena shared snapshots from their spiritual excursion, revealing Rasha’s understated elegance in a white and blue salwar kameez adorned with a dupatta. The duo visited Mahakaal Mandir, exuding grace and simplicity, a signature trait of their mother-daughter bond. Fans have praised Rasha’s resemblance to Sara Ali Khan, appreciating her captivating simplicity.
Rasha’s natural beauty shines through in her no-makeup look, radiating serenity as she poses with humility at the temple. Fans have dubbed her the most stunning star kid, enchanted by her charm and simplicity. Raveena’s viral pictures with Rasha from their visit to the Mahadev Mandir further solidify their popularity, garnering attention within hours.
Moreover, Rasha is set to embark on her Bollywood journey with Abhishek Kapoor’s upcoming film. In a recent interview, she candidly discussed her privilege, acknowledging that despite average audition performances, she secured her debut role. This revelation has sparked anticipation among fans, eager to witness Rasha’s talent unfold on the silver screen.