In a heartwarming throwback moment, fans are once again swooning over Bollywood power couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. During a promotional event for their film ‘Brahmastra,’ a fan’s question about a potential proposal led to a charming exchange between the two stars.
In a video from the event, Ranbir Kapoor can be seen kneeling near Alia Bhatt in response to the fan’s inquiry. With a warm smile, he shared a sweet moment with her, capturing the audience’s hearts. Adding a playful twist, Ranbir proceeded to tie his shoelaces while still on his knees, adding to the endearing atmosphere.
This nostalgic moment not only showcases the couple’s playful chemistry but also brings to mind Alia Bhatt’s revelation about Ranbir’s real-life proposal.
In a previous interview on ‘Koffee With Karan,’ Alia shared the romantic story of how Ranbir proposed to her during a New Year’s trip to Israel. Keeping his plans a secret, Ranbir surprised Alia with a proposal in the picturesque setting of Masai Mara, a place of significant meaning for both of them.
Amidst the beauty of the jungle, Ranbir knelt down and proposed to Alia, creating a magical moment that they both hold dear to their hearts.