In a heartwarming throwback to the beloved film “Bajrangi Bhaijaan,” fans were treated to a delightful behind-the-scenes video capturing the endearing moments shared between Salman Khan and young actress Harshali Malhotra, who played Munni in the movie.
The video, shared by a fan page on Instagram, showcased Salman Khan and director Kabir Khan engaging in playful banter with the child actor. Salman amusedly imitated Harshali’s dramatic responses, recalling her signature elongated “naiiiiiiii” whenever asked to do something.
The BTS footage also depicted Harshali enjoying herself on set, displaying both her playful side and her emotional moments. Fans flooded the comments section with adoring messages, expressing their fondness for the film and hoping for a sequel.
“Bajrangi Bhaijaan,” released on July 17, 2015, received widespread acclaim for its heartwarming storyline, stellar performances, and adept direction. The narrative follows the journey of a young mute Pakistani girl, Shahida (portrayed by Harshali Malhotra), who finds herself stranded in India and is discovered by Pawan (played by Salman Khan). Pawan embarks on a mission to reunite Shahida with her family in Pakistan, leading to an emotional and uplifting tale of compassion and humanity.