The Bangalore Times office recently hosted the cast of the highly anticipated film “Grey Games,” comprising actors Bhavvana Rao, Vijay Raghavendra, and newcomer Jai Khanna. The trio delved into the intricacies of their roles, shedding light on the intense preparation and research that went into portraying their characters authentically.
Reflecting on their preparation, Jai Khanna shared his experience of immersing himself in the world of competitive gaming to understand the psyche and body language of gamers. Vijay Raghavendra emphasized the importance of workshops and method acting in capturing the essence of his character, while Bhavvana Rao drew inspiration from real-life female cops to refine her portrayal.
Discussing the rampant issue of social media toxicity, the cast expressed their concerns about the negative impact of online criticism. Vijay Raghavendra urged for restraint and reminded individuals to adhere to legal boundaries when expressing opinions online. Bhavvana Rao emphasized the need to overlook hurtful comments, emphasizing the disparity between online behavior and real-life interactions.
Addressing the fear of typecasting, Jai Khanna highlighted his focus on choosing quality projects over conforming to certain roles. Vijay Raghavendra emphasized his diverse acting portfolio, rejecting the notion of being confined to specific genres. Bhavvana Rao encouraged actors to embrace versatility and conquer the fear of acceptance.
In terms of social media usage, Vijay Raghavendra emphasized the importance of setting boundaries, especially for younger generations. Jai Khanna acknowledged the guidance from his family in navigating the online world responsibly.
On the portrayal of grey characters in films, Bhavvana Rao advocated for leaving certain aspects of characters to the audience’s imagination, reflecting the complexities of real life. Vijay Raghavendra emphasized the necessity of grey characters in storytelling and praised the challenge they present to writers.
The discussion provided valuable insights into the challenges and nuances of acting in contemporary cinema, resonating with both industry professionals and audiences alike.