In a theatrical release that took place yesterday, the mythological superhero film ‘Hanu Man’ raked in an impressive sum, surpassing Rs 10 crore at the box office. The movie, which hit screens nationwide, was presented in multiple languages, including Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. Notably, its performance in the Hindi market outshone that of ‘KGF’ and ‘Pushpa,’ amassing a reported Rs 1 crore.
Receiving positive reviews and generating considerable fan interest, ‘Hanu Man’ managed to hold its ground against the competition, even in the face of the release of Mahesh Babu’s ‘Guntur Kaaram.’ Despite the clash, the film’s Hindi run continues to be successful, and there are expectations for an uptick in collections over the weekend.
Directed by Prashanth Varma, ‘Hanu Man’ boasts a stellar cast, including Teja Sajja, Amritha Aiyer, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, and Vinay Rai in pivotal roles. The movie has captured attention in North India, particularly due to its release coinciding with the inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. Serving as the inaugural installment in Prashanth Varma’s superhero film universe, ‘Hanu Man’ sets the stage for the director’s upcoming project, titled ‘Adhira.’