Indian cinema’s iconic couple, Hema Malini and Dharmendra, who have been married for 43 years, have recently shed light on their unconventional living arrangement. Despite their enduring love, Dharmendra resides with his first wife, Prakash Kaur, while Hema lives separately.
In an interview with Lehren, Hema Malini opened up about their unique marital dynamics, acknowledging that while no one desires such a setup, circumstances sometimes dictate otherwise. She expressed contentment with her life, highlighting her pride in raising their two daughters. Despite the physical distance, she emphasized Dharmendra’s consistent support as a father.
Their journey has faced obstacles, notably Hema’s parents’ initial disapproval due to Dharmendra’s existing marriage. However, their bond and respect have kept them together, showcasing a testament to enduring love amidst unconventional circumstances.