Renowned Indian actor Manoj Bajpayee, celebrated for his versatility on screen, has been receiving widespread acclaim for his portrayal in the courtroom drama “Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai.” The film, directed by Apoorv Singh Karki and inspired by true events, sees Bajpayee in the role of P.C. Solanki, a high court lawyer who takes on a powerful godman in a significant case.
In a recent interview with Pinkvilla, Bajpayee disclosed that the film holds a special significance for his 13-year-old daughter Ava, who has watched it three times. He shared her sentiment, revealing that Ava considers “Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai” to be his best work, which deeply resonates with him.
Expressing gratitude for the film’s success, Bajpayee acknowledged the collective efforts of the cast and crew, including producer Suparn S Varma, Vinod Bhanushali, director Apoorv Singh Karki, and fellow actors Surya Mohan Kulshrestha and Adrija Sinha.
Bajpayee, known for his role in the acclaimed series “Family Man,” is currently preparing for his upcoming release “Bhaiyaa Ji” and is actively involved in filming “Family Man 3.”