In a heartwarming update, Bollywood actress Ileana D’Cruz recently shared glimpses of her date night with partner Michael Dolan. The couple appeared to be in high spirits during their Saturday evening outing, as captured in the selfies posted by the actress on social media. Ileana playfully dubbed them “party animals,” revealing a lighthearted side to their relationship.
Known for embracing the joys of motherhood, Ileana has been sharing snapshots of her parenting journey on various social media platforms. Taking a break from her maternal responsibilities, the actress showcased her carefree moments with Michael, highlighting the importance of self-care.
Last year, Ileana surprised fans by announcing her pregnancy without initially revealing her partner’s identity. It wasn’t until the third trimester that she introduced Michael Dolan to the public. Documenting her pregnancy experiences on social media, Ileana and Michael welcomed their son, Koi Phoenix, on August 1, 2023.
In her recent professional endeavors, Ileana starred in ‘Tera Kya Hoga Lovely,’ alongside Randeep Hooda. The film addresses societal pressures surrounding fair skin color and features Ileana in the role of a girl facing challenges in finding a suitable marriage partner due to her complexion. Despite minimal promotional efforts, ‘Tera Kya Hoga Lovely’ has seen a limited release, adding another dimension to Ileana’s diverse career.