In a post-divorce era from Naga Chaitanya in 2021, actress Samantha continues to shine in the limelight, focusing on her career and well-being. Recent rumors circulating about her contemplating a second marriage prompted the talented actress to address the topic, generating widespread attention.
Responding to a curious fan inquiring about her thoughts on remarrying, Samantha candidly stated, “Would be a bad investment according to the statistics.” Intriguingly, she also provided divorce statistics, revealing that as of 2023, the divorce rate for first marriages stands at approximately 50%, while second and third marriages face higher rates of 67% and 73%, respectively, for both males and females.
In a surprising turn of events, Samantha, who disclosed a health complication known as Myositis in October 2022, continued to persevere. Myositis refers to any condition causing inflammation in muscles. Despite this challenge, the resilient actress remains committed to her work, diligently seeking treatment to manage her health condition.
The actress’s statements on marriage and her ongoing dedication to her career and health have sparked conversations, adding a new dimension to her public persona.