In the festive spirit, renowned Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar was seen at the airport this morning, embarking on a holiday with his adorable twins, Yash and Roohi. Karan sported a casual yet stylish ensemble, donning an oversized white sweatshirt paired with black pants. His look was accentuated by a vibrant red puffer jacket, black sunglasses, silver jewelry, and trendy white sneakers.
Accompanying him on the journey, Roohi donned a charming red jumper paired with green pants and white sneakers, creating a coordinated look with her father. Yash, showcasing his cool style, opted for a black jacket and matching pants, complemented by a red T-shirt.
Amid the vacation vibes, Karan recently unveiled the latest promo for the upcoming episode of ‘Koffee with Karan 8’. The forthcoming segment will feature the captivating interaction between the mother-son duo, Sharmila Tagore and Saif Ali Khan.
During the candid conversation, Karan inquired about an intriguing story from Saif’s college days. Sharmila Tagore revealed that Saif didn’t attend university but instead asked an air hostess out, leading to an adventurous outing. Saif, seemingly embarrassed, downplayed the escapade, stating, “These dalliances are exaggerated.”
Further delving into Saif’s life, Karan questioned him about the qualities he has imbibed from his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan. Saif responded with humor, asking, “Rubbed what?” Clarifying that it wasn’t a vulgar query, Karan humorously pointed out the presence of Saif’s mother on the talk show couch.