Renowned filmmaker Karan Johar’s children, Yash and Roohi, have once again captured the hearts of fans with their endearing antics. In a recent Instagram video shared by Karan, his son Yash is seen candidly discussing his father’s hairstyle and his own aspirations of becoming a rockstar.
During the playful exchange, Yash expresses his desire to don a spiked blue hairdo for an upcoming performance, leading to amusing banter between father and son. Notably, Yash humorously critiques Karan’s hairstyle, suggesting that he should consider going bald like a figure in a painting in the background.
Despite Karan’s reluctance to reveal the painting, citing potential offense, the interaction highlights the affectionate bond between them. Captioned “My hair is apparent! #critiquesathome,” the video has sparked a flurry of responses from Karan Johar’s friends and fans.
For those unfamiliar, Karan Johar welcomed Yash and Roohi via surrogacy in 2017.