In his upcoming love story “KTM,” actor Dheekshith Shetty reveals a rigorous journey of physical and mental transformation. Shedding light on his preparation, Shetty explains the demanding nature of his role, which required him to undergo drastic changes. Initially, he had to lose weight to portray a PUC student, followed by gaining weight to embody a character battling depression. Additionally, the film demanded him to showcase three distinct looks, involving variations in facial hair and hairstyle, with the hair growth process alone spanning seven months.
Transitioning from his previous role in “Dia,” Shetty deliberated extensively before selecting his next project. He sought to avoid typecasting by opting for diverse characters. His role as Karthik, a soft-natured individual pushed into aggression by circumstances, particularly appealed to him.
Directed by Aruna and featuring Sanjana Doss and Kaajal Kunder alongside Dheekshith, “KTM” is set to hit screens this weekend, promising a compelling narrative and character dynamics.