Yesteryear actress Manya Naidu delighted fans by sharing enchanting glimpses from her daughter Omshika’s eighth birthday celebration in Dubai. The birthday girl donned a stunning blue ruffle dress, perfectly twinning with her mother. The celebratory affair was adorned with a lavish Gucci-themed golden cake, adding a touch of luxury to the festivities. Omshika, surrounded by family and friends, marked the special occasion in the vibrant city of Dubai.
Manya Naidu, known for her roles in Malayalam cinema classics like ‘Kunjikoonan,’ ‘Vakkalathu Narayanankutty,’ ‘Swapnakoodu,’ and ‘Aparichithan,’ took to social media to share cherished moments and express her love for her daughter. In a heartwarming note, she wished Omshika the happiest birthday, describing her as the “love of my life” and “my Queen Omishka.” Naidu prayed for God’s protection, safety, and blessings of good health and happiness for her beloved daughter.
Currently residing in New York with her family, Manya Naidu flew to Dubai for the festive season, showcasing her family’s joyous experiences. From exploring iconic landmarks like the Atlantis to indulging in sightseeing adventures, the Naidu family is making the most of their time in Dubai.
The actress also posted pictures of the celebration, capturing the essence of the joyous occasion. In one of the images, Omshika can be seen radiantly smiling in her birthday ensemble, reflecting the happiness shared on this special day.
Sidharth Bharathan, renowned for his work in the entertainment industry, recently unveiled a character poster from the upcoming film ‘Bramayugam.’
Manya Naidu’s portrayal in timeless Malayalam films has left an indelible mark on the industry, solidifying her status as a beloved figure. As the actress continues to celebrate life’s precious moments with her family, fans eagerly anticipate more glimpses from their Dubai escapade.