Renowned film producer, sales executive, and actor Mark Damon passed away at the age of 91, according to representatives. Damon, originally named Alan Harris and born in Chicago, began his Hollywood journey in 1956 under contract with 20th Century Fox. His breakthrough came with his role in “House of Usher,” directed by Roger Corman. Damon later transitioned to Italian cinema, starring in numerous films including “The Reluctant Saint” and “Black Sabbath.”
In the 1970s, Damon ventured into independent film sales and production, recognizing a demand for American movies in the international market. This led to the founding of Producers Sales Organization in 1977, facilitating the distribution of indie films globally.
In 1993, Damon established MDP Worldwide, later renamed Media 8 Entertainment, garnering multiple Oscar nominations and winning an Academy Award for producing “Monster” in 2005. His extensive production credits include “Das Boot,” “The NeverEnding Story,” and “The Lost Boys.”
After departing Media 8, Damon founded Foresight Unlimited in 2005, contributing to the financing and success of films like “2 Guns” and “Lone Survivor.” His last production, the war drama “The Last Full Measure,” was released in 2019.
Damon, a founding member of the International Film and Television Alliance (IFTA), held M.B.A. and B.A. degrees from UCLA. In May 2008, his biography “From Cowboy to Mogul to Monster” chronicled his illustrious 50-year career in the entertainment industry.