In a recent announcement, acclaimed actress Michelle Yeoh, an Oscar-winner, is set to take on the lead role in the upcoming action thriller titled ‘The Mother.’ The film, directed by Melanie Laurent, follows the story of an immigrant mother and businesswoman striving to establish a new life for her family in America.
As the narrative unfolds, Yeoh’s character faces unexpected challenges when her two teenage children become entangled with a Boston crime gang. In a desperate bid to rescue her kids, she is compelled to confront her own past. The screenplay for ‘The Mother’ is penned by PG Cuschieri, promising an engaging and intense storyline.
Producing the film are Basil Iwanyk and Erica Lee through Thunder Road, alongside Arthur Sarkissian and John Schramm. Stuart Ford will serve as the executive producer for AGC Studios, along with 30West. The film is scheduled to commence production during the upcoming summer season.
AGC International and CAA Media Finance have secured the worldwide distribution rights for ‘The Mother’ and will present the film to potential buyers at the upcoming European Film Market (EFM).
This exciting project is just one among AGC’s lineup at EFM, which also includes ‘Sugar Bandits,’ a crime thriller featuring Will Smith as an Iraq war veteran, adapted from Chuck Hogan’s screenplay and novel “Devils in Exile.” Additionally, ‘The Epiphany’ is another highlight, starring Sylvester Stallone as a seasoned police detective teaming up with a younger cop and former priest to apprehend a serial killer in Philadelphia, as reported by Variety.