In the latest box office report, Tovino Thomas’s latest movie, ‘Nadikar’, continues to make waves. Released on May 3, the film, which delves into the life of a movie star, witnessed a notable surge in audience attendance on its second Sunday, May 12. According to Sacnilk, ‘Nadikar’ raked in Rs 8 lakh on Sunday, marking its tenth day in theaters, following a collection of Rs 6 lakh on Saturday, May 11.
Despite receiving mixed reviews initially, Tovino Thomas’s film is steadily gaining momentum, as evidenced by the recent uptick in Sunday box office numbers.
Directed by Lal Jr., ‘Nadikar’ stars Tovino Thomas in the lead role, alongside actors Soubin Shahir, Bhavana Menon, Suresh Krishna, and Balu Varghese in pivotal roles.
Critically, ETimes rated ‘Nadikar’ 3 out of 5, describing it as a film that begins with the opulent life of a ‘superstar’ named David Padikkal. While the film incorporates humor and effective foreshadowing, some aspects of the writing were criticized for being sloppy. Despite these drawbacks, the presence of Tovino Thomas on screen elevates the entertainment value of the film.
With ‘Nadikar’ gradually gaining traction at the box office, it remains to be seen how it will continue to perform in the coming days.