Renowned filmmaker Vipul Mehta is set to make his directorial debut in Marathi cinema with the much-anticipated film ‘Ole Aale,’ starring powerhouse performers Nana Patekar, Siddharth Chandekar, and Sayali Sanjeev. The movie has already generated significant buzz on various social media platforms.
Recently, Mehta took to his Instagram handle to share an enticing new poster of the film, along with an announcement regarding the release date of the official trailer.
Captioned as ‘A story of a journey that taught the formula of living!,’ the film features the seasoned actor Nana Patekar, promising a compelling narrative. With a tagline emphasizing the life lesson learned through the journey, ‘Ole Aale’ is poised to offer pure entertainment for the entire family.
Adding to the film’s appeal is the debut of the Bollywood composer duo Sachin-Jigar in the Marathi film industry. This marks their first collaboration with the Marathi audience, and they are set to strike a chord with the film’s music. Penned by Mandar Cholkar, the soundtrack boasts vocals by Rohit Raut.
As anticipation builds, the film is scheduled to hit screens on January 5, 2024, promising a captivating cinematic experience for audiences. ‘Ole Aale’ not only introduces a new directorial talent to the Marathi film scene but also brings together a stellar cast and musical duo to create a promising addition to the genre.