Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan recently graced the Kolkata Knight Riders versus Sunrisers Hyderabad match at Kolkata’s iconic Eden Gardens. The actor was seen passionately cheering for his team, who emerged victorious on Sunday night.
Throughout the match, SRK enthusiastically waved at fans and sent them air kisses. Speaking to Star Sports, former cricketer and commentator Navjot Singh Sidhu praised Khan, describing him as an “honorary figure” in the industry. Sidhu shared insights he had received from Abhishek Bachchan, stating that SRK is widely regarded as the most secure and encouraging individual in Bollywood.
Sidhu reminisced about his first encounter with Shah Rukh Khan several decades ago at the Model School ground. At that time, Khan was starring in the television shows ‘Circus’ and ‘Fauji’. Sidhu recalled asking Khan about his aspirations in Bollywood and how he intended to succeed without any industry connections. Khan’s response left a lasting impression on Sidhu: “I don’t compete with anyone but myself.” Sidhu added, “That day I knew that this man would go a long way. He is as humble as he is successful.”
On the professional front, Shah Rukh Khan was last seen in the film ‘Dunki’ and is currently preparing for his upcoming movie ‘Tiger versus Pathaan’, in which he will co-star with Salman Khan.